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#4- What is the story of the U.S. Civil War?

Have you ever wondered what the story was behind the Civil War? The Civil War began when confederates attacked Union soldiers at Fort Sumter. South Carolina on April 12, 1861. There were 3,211,067 soldiers that served in the Civil War. 620,000 soldiers died in the Civil War. The Civil War ended April 9,1865.

The South fought in the Civil War to defend slavery. The confederacy states thought the government was beccoming to strong. The south seceded and began a new nation. Southerner adults belonged to Democratic political party. As being part of the Democratic political party they shifted into military careers.

The north fought to preserve the Union not to end slavery. The northern strategy was based on the population of Army. The Battle of Antietam was a union victory in the Civil War that marked the bloodiest single-day battle in U.S. military history. The constitution and the government for so many northerners, was like a wall of protection. The roots of economic difference between North and South lay in their labour systems.

On April 12th, 1861 the First Battle of Fort Sumter happened. The First Battle of Fort Sumter was a federal outpost in Charleston, South Carolina, that was attacked by the confederates. In July 1863 the Battle of Gettysburg happened. The Battle of Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle of the war, it also lasted three days. On November 4, 1864 Abraham Lincoln won re-election. Shermans victory in Atlanta boosted Lincoln's popularity and helped him win re-election.

The Civil War was a war to defennd slavery but also to preserve a union. And not end slavery. The north ended up winning the battle. North won because their economy was not based on the environment.

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